Hello! My name is Tanya Poppa.
I own Real Fitness Sarasota, a CrossFit gym in Sarasota, FL.
I’m a fitness nut and enjoy everything from CrossFit and HIIT training to triathlons, tactical training and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Over the last decade, I've worked with all types of people to help them reach their fitness goals. Every single time I began working with new clients, I found that their RELATIONSHIPS WITH FOOD was a huge factor in their success.
Enter Life-Minded Health
It's essential to understand your emotional triggers when it comes to starting a new eating plan.
I used to believe a lot of lies about food and nutrition, and it stopped me from reaching my goals. I don’t want this to happen to you.
Let’s uncover those hidden beliefs about food!
Once you expose them, you’ll understand how to lose weight and pursue other body composition changes or performance goals you may have - and, most importantly, how to make your transformation stick.
Even better - you'll find that you'll never have to diet again!
During your free consultation, we'll assess what you believe about food, diagnose which of these beliefs are blocking you from getting what you want and prescribe a plan that will finally help you achieve the results you've been dreaming of.